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Naturally Whiten your Teeth

DId you know there was a natural cheaper way to whiten your teeth? These are some of my favorite products that I use to keep my teeth pearly white and stain free in addition to my regular dental visits every six months. All of these products can be found in your favorite stores that you frequent regularly. You may already have a few around the house right now.

The most popular ways to use coconut oil for your teeth are using it in a process called “oil pulling”. Coconut oil is an edible oil extracted from the meat of coconuts. It is high in lauric acid, which has been known to kill harmful bacteria, fungi and viruses in the body. Studies show that 30 different Fatty acids was tested to fight bacteria and lauric acid was the most effective. Lauric acid in coconut oil attacks harmful bacteria in the mouth that can cause bad breath, tooth decay and gum disease. The oil attract and trap bacteria so each time you oil pull, you are removing harmful bacteria and plaque from your mouth. It’s best to do this right away in the morning, before you eat or drink anything. I take a tablespoon full and swish in my mouth 15-20 minutes while I’m in the shower, then I spit it out in the toilet instead of the sink as to not clog my sink up. You can also put it on your toothbrush and brush your teeth with it. In addition to “oil pulling” once I’ve spit it out, I wet my toothbrush and dip it in Baking soda, add my toothpaste then brush my teeth. Baking soda aids in removing stains from your teeth. I finish up by mixing one part mouthwash and one part hydrogen peroxide and gargle, then spit out. Please always consult with a doctor before using any of these products!