Beauty, Food, Health


Hello World!!! Did you miss me? I surely missed you guys. I took some time off for Self Care. For those that are wondering what exactly is self care? Self Care is when an individual takes control of ones self by deliberately initiating to maintain ones health and well being. In the world we’re living in today I deem this very NECESSARY!!! And the way I just sat down for the past two months and did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING but the bare minimum makes me feel like I’d just won the lottery(lol). I can never recall a time in my life that I have ever did anything so self gratifying!

I’m not sure what this has done for my brand that I’m trying to build, but God has shown me over and over again that if its for me no man can take that away. Can I get a AMEN(AMEN)! During these times of Covid-19 life has either beat you down or made you see it in a whole new light. My light is so bright now I need on a pair of shades with window tint (lol). We have all either lost loved ones or known someone who has passed from this horrible pandemic. No one knows when the lord will call us home, but lets all do our part to stay safe, by practicing social distancing, washing our hands often, cough or sneeze in the bend of our elbows or shoulders, disinfect our homes often, use sanitizer, AND WEAR YOUR MASK! I know some people have gotten the vaccine, but did you know that you can still get Covid-19 even if you have? All I can say is please do your part in staying safe and avoid catching it PERIOD!

Make sure your practicing Self Care mentally and physically. Start eating healthier, take care of your skin, if your having outbreaks, bloating, skin rashes, etc. go see a allergist/immunologist Sometimes we are allergic to certain foods that take a toll on our bodies. Go see a dentist and doctor regularly. Change your environment, this can be your home, family or friends that are close to you. Protect your peace by all means. Just know that whatever you do that is self gratifying and beneficial for you and your health DO IT!!!