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Happy New Year

Reflecting back on 2021, I had a blessed year and thank you God for allowing me to see it through. I achieved all my goals and I’m just beginning. I made some decisions that were good and some that were bad. I’m not perfect but God knows my heart is pure and that I mean well. I can’t make everybody happy, and I’m no longer interested in trying. I vow to shower myself with self-love and self-care from here on out. My next step is to find me a life coach or therapist. Bu right now I’m going to celebrate all of this past year’s accomplishments.

The year 2021 was very good to me. I made some significant life changes. I launched my blog and there’s so much more of me that you guys have not seen yet. STAY TUNED!! My website for my concierge business is up and running ( Brought my first two vending machines (YAAAAYYY JAMIE). Invested in a 360 Photobooth (smile Bi*tch) lol. Started the first of many Airbnb’s to come. If you’re in Atlanta look me up. I Purchased a SUV to put on the Turo app, for those of you that don’t know what that is its Airbnb for cars. Last but not least I sold some houses (YOU GO GIRL). Nothing wrong with being your own cheerleader. What we don’t do enough of is CELEBRATE ourselves. Don’t worry I’ll celebrate for us all.

I can’t wait to see what God has in store for me for this upcoming year, but whatever it is GOD IM READY!!!!!!