
Cure for Raccoon Eyes

A couple months back I noticed I was starting to get racoon eyes (oh hell no not me). I made an appointment to see my dermatologist. My doctor told me that I had dry skin around my eyes and diagnosed me with Atopic Dermatitis or Eczema which is a better term that we all know and understand. Eczema can be caused by physical contact with chemicals, fabrics, and dyes to which you may be allergic among other things. I’m like how the hell did I get Eczema around my eyes? My thoughts are that I do everything right. I cleanse my skin twice a day, I use natural Aloe Vera face mask, and I also Frequently use gel eye pads. Long story short the gel eye pads were drying my skin out because I was leaving them on to long. The Dr. suggested I buy a cream from him that cost $60 for a 2oz tube. I declined. I opted to use my own home remedy method of a old fashioned coca butter stick and Vitamin E Oil Blend which has a combination of vitamin E, soybean and coconut oil from Trader Joes my favorite store. I’m thinking if its eczema then I just need to use something that will hold the moisture in. I’ve been using my concoction now a little over 7 weeks and I’ve noticed a huge difference. I love self care and I’m sure you do too. Ladies we must use our products in moderation. Please be sure to follow the instructions, they are there for a reason.